
Did you know that Healthcare Advocates can be incredibly helpful in resolving medical debt?

KTS Advocacy recently helped a client save $25K on their medical debt of $36K, a 69% savings! Here are some of the ways we assist: Communication: We take over communications with healthcare providers, insurance companies, and debt collectors saving you time and reducing stress. Negotiating Bills: We are skilled in negotiating to reduce the amount […]

Did you know that Healthcare Advocates can be incredibly helpful in resolving medical debt? Read More »

KTS Advocacy helps individuals navigate the complicated healthcare system

The health care system is so complex that more than half of consumers are unable to navigate it, triggering avoidable customer service calls and more costly care.  KTS Advocacy is an independent professional healthcare advocate owned and operated by Karen Silber, Master’s prepared social worker and Board Certified Patient Advocate (BCPA). Karen is filling a gap

KTS Advocacy helps individuals navigate the complicated healthcare system Read More »

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